This week, Kickstarter announced the launch of its new prototype gallery feature. The crowdfunding platform revealed its design and technology creators are now able to share their earliest sketches and latest prototypes, trace the evolution of their ideas and the iterative process behind bringing their projects to life.
Sharing details about the new feature, the funding website declared:
“The new Prototype Gallery will let creators add photos and videos of each step in their project’s development. They can dive deep into the back story without overloading their project page — everything will be neatly contained within the gallery. By flipping through, potential backers can see how an early proof of concept becomes a raw but functioning device and then takes on its final design. We selected a few creators to test out this feature starting today before releasing more widely in the coming months.”
Some examples from the creators’ galleries include the five common stages of prototyping, which are the following:
Kickstarter went on to add:
“After this test period we plan to make the Prototype Gallery available to all creators launching Technology, Design, and the Gaming Hardware projects. We hope this feature is useful to both creators and backers, and helps everyone appreciate all the ingenuity and effort that goes into the smallest details of these projects.”
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