The following table from shows loan originations in P2P lending marketplaces during December 2016, with Funding Circle (114.1M) significantly leading Ratesetter (68.2M euro), Zopa (60.2 M euro) and LendInvest (24.9M euro). Lendix reports an all time record month at 7.7 million euros in loan origination. Another highlight is Mintos’ crossing the milestone of 100 million EUR originated since inception. According to the infographic, the total volume for the reported marketplaces adds up to 414 million Euro.
Now, let’s look forward into this newly begun year. When asked for his predictions for 2017, P2P-Banking’s Claus Lehmann responded via email:
“2017 will be a boom year for the UK P2P lending sector as it will be the first year which fully benefits from the newly introduced IF ISAs. On the continent origination volumes will continue to grow and several new marketplaces will launch. For the marketplaces it remains a challenge to attract enough creditworthy borrowers to match the investor demand. New VC activity in the sector will be slowing, possibly made up partly by bank engagements in the companies. The year may also offer some cues how fintech companies can profitably incorporate blockchain/bitcoins in alternative lending use cases – though on a small scale in absolute numbers.”