Here is Lending Club’s Q4 Earnings Presentation (Deck)

Lending Club (NYSE:LC) has reported Q4 2016 earnings along with forward-looking statements for 2017.

Lending Club reported that loan originations in Q4 of 2016 were $1.99 billion, or 1% higher compared to the $1.97 billion reported in Q3 of 2016 and down 23% compared to $2.58 billion in the same quarter last year.  The events of 2016 have clearly taken its toll on the online lender yet some industry participants see the space mainly struggling to regain funding channels sufficient to fill the demand for credit.

Below is the Presentation Lending Club will be using today for their earnings conference call. The Lending Club call begins at 5:00PM today (Tuesday, February 14, 2016).  A replay will be made available following the call.

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