On Friday, Kickstarter announced as part of its mission to bring creative projects to life, it has launched the pilot of its new Kickstarter Creators-in-Residence program.
The crowdfunding giant stated that during the pilot, it will open its Brooklyn headquarters doors to various campaign alumni to help them work on their projects by offering physical space and other resources. Kickstarter also noted that this program will give it the opportunity to learn more about the challenges campaign creators experience. It was revealed:
“Last fall, New York-based author, designer and illustrator Adam J. Kurtz asked if we had any extra space available in our office for him to work out of. For a few weeks, he used our office as his reward packaging and shipping center. A light bulb went on –– and we started thinking about what a formal Kickstarter residency program would look like. So last winter, we put out a call to creators in the New York City area who had recently run a project on Kickstarter. We’re very proud to announce that the teams behind three projects recently started their residencies at Kickstarter HQ this spring. All of them happen to be working on film and video projects. In addition to the space, we’re offering the residents resources like equipment and helping to promote their films to press.”
The projects selected for the program are After Spring, Hustle, and Sons and Daughters of the Incarcerated. Kickstarter then added:
“We’re excited not only to share our space with these creators, but to work alongside them as they put the final touches on their films. We’re looking forward to learning from their experience and working on making this program available to more creators in the future.”