Crowdcube Milestone: £5 Million Invested Through UK Crowdfunding Platform’s iOS App

On Monday, UK equity crowdfunding platform Crowdcube announced that £5 million has been invested through its iOS mobile app since launch last year. The funding portal revealed:

“Since its launch over £5 million has been invested through Crowdcube’s iOS app! With over 6,500 installations, 100,000 sessions and 13,000 investments, we’re helping Crowdcube members keep up to date with live pitches and their investment portfolio whilst on the move.”

Crowdcube also explained the app’s features include the following:

  • Push notifications to notify investors each time a new pitch goes live
  • Offline mode to browse pitches when investors have no internet access
  • A universal design meaning you can use the app on both iPhone and iPad
  • Ability to archive pitches to remove them from your carousel
  • Two-factor authentication to verify each investment

Crowdcube then stated its new iOS app update will include notifications for:

  • A pitch becomes open to investment
  • When the app’s user makes an investment
  • A pitch users are following or have invested in reaches a funding target milestone or posts an update
  • Someone replies to a conversation users participated in or have subscribed to

The platform shared:

“We are delighted with the progress of the app so far, and are always open to feedback about how the experience can be improved for you.”

Crowdcube added it is soon going to release some news about the development of its Android app.

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