On Wednesday, equity crowdfunding platform Crowdcube announced the launch of the Notification Centre for its iOS app. This news comes just one year after the mobile app made its debut. While sharing details about the Centre, the Crowdcube team stated:
“The Crowdcube iOS App launched 1 year ago, and has since become an indispensible part of the Crowdcube experience for many investors. Over £5.8M has been invested through the iOS App since launch, and around one third of all online investments made on Crowdcube are now made using the iOS App. Since launch we’ve added access to your Portfolio, Pitch Updates and Discussions, and support for the iPad. We’re not resting on our laurels though, and continue to develop new features to improve the mobile investor experience. We have just published the next major release of the Crowdcube iOS mobile app, which includes our new Notification centre. The Notification centre offers a quick and easy way to catch up with all the activity on Crowdcube relevant to you since you last opened the app, including pitches that have launched, updates on pitches you have followed, and replies to discussions you have participated in.”
Crowdcube’s crew also noted that the app’s latest release also includes support for Restricted Documents, which are documents provided by the company raising finance, and are offered to investors on a discretionary basis. They then added:
“If you’re an iOS user, and a regular investor on Crowdcube, the Crowdcube iOS App provides you with the simplest and most streamlined approach to staying informed about investment opportunities offered on Crowdcube, and your portfolio of past investments. And if you’re an Android user, we’ll be bringing this experience to your platform of choice soon too.”