SEC Schedules Fintech Forum, Including Digital Assets, for May

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has scheduled a public forum focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT or blockchain) and digital assets (or crypto assets). Topics will include initial coin offerings (ICOs), digital asset platforms, DLT innovations, and how these impact investors and the markets.

The forum will take place at the SEC’s headquarters in Washington, DC on May 31, 2019 and is open to the public. The SEC will also live-stream the event.

The forum is being organized by the SEC’s Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub) and was announced in connection with the launch of FinHub last year.

The forum will feature panelists from the Fintech industry as well as academia and is designed to foster greater communication and understanding around issues involving DLT and digital assets.

The SEC said that more information will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

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