KoreConX announced on Thursday the launch of its Regulation A+ all-in-one investment platform, which is providing companies with an all-in-one solution to manage their capital raise. RegA+, which was notably introduced by the SEC in Title IV of the JOBS Act in 2015, outlines the rules for equity crowdfunding of up to $50 million in capital from investors, which includes unaccredited investors. RegA+ is comprised of two tiers, Tier I and Tier II.
According to KoreConX, the all-in-one investment platform offers companies the technology platform needed to raise capital and for managing their activities after the financing round has been completed. The platform also provides companies with access to an Invest button on the company’s website that is connected to Broker-Dealers for Compliance (including management of KYC, ID, AML, eSignature, and Payments) and registered transfer agent to satisfy ongoing SEC requirements.
“The private branded all-in-one platform also has many other features that are crucial to operating a business and simplifying compliance such as: CapTable Management, Investor Relations, DealRoom, BoardRoom, Minutebook management/organized data storage, and Portfolio Management for shareholders.”
KoreConX went on to add that legal partners (such as CrowdCheck and Bevilacqua), marketing and IR partners (such as PCG Advisory, Marketing Results, and E5AIM), and many others. Dalmore Group, Winston, and Weild & Co. serve as broker-dealers for compliance throughout the investment process. Molinari Media and Midas are expert media partners. KoreTransfer is a transfer agent.