Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee Schedules Post Election Meeting

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting by videoconference on Monday, November 9, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (ET). The meeting will be open to the public via a live-stream on the SEC website.

An agenda for the meeting has not yet been made available but the timing is interesting as it follows the announcement by the SEC of big changes to the exempt offering ecosystem. The Commission pointed to the recommendations of the Advisory Committee in establishing the final rules that saw Reg CF increase its funding cap from $1.07 million to $5 million while Reg A+ (Tier II) was boosted from $50 million to $75 million.

CI will be certain to share the agenda once it has been made available.

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