Ripple Better Up Its Technology Game: STASIS CEO

Ripple better up its game if it wants to stay top of mind when it comes to settlement systems, the CEO of tokenization platform STASIS warns.

STASIS is a tokenization platform, including smart contract creation, that claims deep expertise in the current regulatory environment. It is also a stablecoin provider.

Gregory Klumov said more providers are competing to build settlements structures that lay the foundation for payments. While Ripple was one of the first to market, it does not have much to show for it.

“Still, we are yet to see any meaningful adoption and product market feed to originate from multiple partnerships and cooperation that the company has instrumented over the years,” Klumov said. “However, the fast-settlement blockchain solution can’t just make all the difference nowadays. Offering just more speed for networks is not good enough to succeed in 2021. One has to bring more than that.” he adds.

Layer 2 settlement blockchains such as Algorand and Cardano along with Layer 3s like FreeTon, Avalanche and Solana are increasing competition, Klumov added.

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