Over 122 Decentralized Applications or dApps Now Launched on Ontology MainNet, Over 6.8M dApp related TXs Completed

Ontology Network, which claims to be a high performance, open-source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data, has celebrated their 4th anniversary.

As mentioned in a blog post, Ontology launched the event “Cyberspace 4 Philosophers.” All 10,000 NFTs were fully sold out within 7 days, “demonstrating the … enthusiasm of Ontology’s community members,” the developers wrote in an update.

Ontology confirmed that staking has now started, and everyone who holds an NFT is “welcome to join.” They also launched the latest version of their official website ont.io. As noted by the developers, the new architecture, multi-language versions and clearer news channel “will bring users a better experience.”

Ontology further noted that they have “completed the launch of Ontology’s EVM TestNet. Developers are welcome to conduct various application tests.” Related documents can be “obtained at the Ontology Developer Center.”

Ontology also confirmed:

  • We are 100% “done with the survey on the improvement of the ONT and ONG decimals and we are 70% done with testing.”
  • We are 70% “done with the survey on the RISCV’s simplified instruction set architecture.”
  • We are 50% “done with the truebit challenge design survey.”
  • We are 20% “done with the Rollup VM design.”

While sharing other key update, Ontology revealed:

  • ONTO App v4.1.3 was released, “bringing support for FIO chain and the domains feature, as well as updating paths for the sharing feature.’
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with Harmony, “a well-known public chain.” The first 600 participants “earned rewards.” The activity has “successfully concluded, and the bonuses will be distributed within 7 days from the end date of the campaign.”
  • ONTO Web hosted a campaign with IoTeX. The first 500 participants “earned rewards.” The activity has “successfully concluded.”
  • ONTO hosted “a campaign with Mars Ecosystem.” The first 200 participants, and the top 20 participants who staked the most, “earned rewards.” The activity has “successfully concluded, with more than 700 participants.”
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with BabySwap. The top 20 participants who staked the most will “receive the highest tier of rewards.” The top 20 participants who “vote ONG on BabySwap, via ONTO Wallet, will receive bonus rewards.” The activity has “successfully concluded, with more than 800 participants.”
  • ONTO hosted a campaign with CZodiac. The first 300 participants “earned rewards.” Participants who met certain conditions “had the chance to enter a lottery.” The first 100 new ONTO users participating in the event also “earned additional rewards.” The activity has “successfully concluded, with more than 700 participants.”

Ontology further revealed that as of December 24, 2021, there have been 122 decentralized applications or dApps “launched in total on MainNet.” There have been “a total of 6,840,780 dApp-related transactions completed on MainNet, an increase of 17,511 dApp-related transactions compared to the past month,” the developers added.

There have been “a total of 16,865,083 transactions completed on MainNet, an increase of 131,553 transactions compared to the past month,” the blog post from Ontology noted.

For more details on this update, check here.

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