Bondora Platform Originations, Investments Totaled Over €14M Each in July: Report

July kickstarted what could be the “rebound” after a slow summer for investments and loan originations. Both originations and investments totaled over €14M each in July, according to a recent update from Bondora.

As noted in a blog post by Bondora, the API technical error “has been fixed, and cash recoveries and collection efforts also increased.”

As mentioned in a blog post, here are more statistics from July.

1,273 new investors joined Bondora in July. In the same month, investors “earned over €2M in returns, and the total investment amount increased to €838M.”

Loan Originations

After recent decreases, loan originations “rose by 5.8% from June to €14,177,543 in July.”

The well-performing Dutch market “was the main driver behind this growth, thanks to its 28.3% growth rate. This totaled €3,675,996 in originated loans for the Netherlands.” It’s also the first time this market has “exceeded the €3M mark.”

After intense drop rates in the last few months, Estonia and Finland reportedly “remained reasonably stable, declining by just 1.9% and 0.8%, respectively.” Estonian loan originations has reportedly “totaled €3,389,795, and Finnish loans totaled €6,931,348.”

The Spanish market “remains temporarily closed to new customer originations as we monitor data to change our internal risk-scoring models.”

They do this to ensure “the best possible quality for our loan portfolio, which, in turn, means a better investment experience for you. Existing customers, however, were the driving force behind the €180,404 worth of loan originations in July.”

Finnish loans, once again, “have the majority, with a 48.9% share. For the first time, the Dutch market has the 2nd largest share with 25.9%.”

Estonia follows “with 23.9% and Spain with 1.3%.”

The average loan interest rate “increased by 0.6% to 19.8%.”

Investment product funding

Much like Bondoa’s originations, investments also “rebounded with an overall growth rate of 5.6%. This brought the total July investment to €14,088,589.” They now hope this “indicates the start of a growing curve after the slow summer.”

Bondora is also pleased to share that the technical error with their API has been solved.

As stated in the update, €14,047,085 was “invested into Go & Grow and €41,504 was invested using the API. Below you can see the investment funding split for July.”

Secondary Market

After increasing in June, Secondary Market transactions “decreased again in July. Transactions totaled €91,737 compared to June’s €101,199.” This is “a 9.3% decline.”

The API decreased “by 18.0%, and Manual transactions increased by 4.0%.” At a 65.3% share, manual transactions still “have the largest share, and the API has a 34.7% share.”

Collection and Recovery

There was a theme of growth “in July’s recovery and collection efforts.” A total of 94,579 payments were recovered, “a growth rate of 2.0% from June.” Cash recoveries rose “by 6.5%, totaling €992,134 being recovered.”

As has become the norm, most cash and loan payments “were recovered from Estonia, with €548,340 cash and 41,098 payments being recovered.”

In Finland, cash recoveries “increased by 15.2% to €399,380.” Spain’s cash recovery figures were the only ones “to decrease, falling 14.8% and totaling €44,414.”

There have been “no recovery efforts in the Netherlands thus far.”

Once again, the 2014-2023 recovery rate “remained stable this month with a slight decrease. It dropped from 53.1% in June to 52.4% in July.” Similarly, 2023’s recovery rate “fell slightly from 83.7% in June to 82.3% in July.”

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