Tagged: arun sikka

LendingClub: Research Indicates Consumers Pay Personal Loans Before Credit Cards, Reports that Repayment Rates are High

LendingClub (NYSE:LC), a top marketplace lender serving consumers, says two recent studies indicate that personal loan payments take priority over paying off credit cards. Of course, this is good news for LendingClub – a long time advocate of cheaper personal loans versus expensive credit card… Read More

Five Things You Should Know if You’re Building Products to Improve Financial Wellbeing

Expand your business’ impact by designing smarter products that benefit customers Building great financial products should follow the same basic rules as building any other solid products. However, this post will go beyond the basics and discuss how we can build financial products to improve… Read More

Broadening the Reach of Financial Literacy Through Hyper-Personalization

How might hyper-personalization improve your products? Behavioral economics is the field of study which acknowledges that people are irrational beings; as explained by economist Richard Thaler in his book, Misbehaving, humans don’t behave the same way as theoretical decision-makers he calls ‘Econs’, who always make… Read More

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