This past October, Dallas nurse Amber Vinson flew to Cleveland, Ohio after she was exposed to the Ebola virus while treating Eric Duncan. Although she was told by the CDC that she was good to go for the trip, Vinson was eventually diagnosed with the virus…. Read More
Although some medical therapies show promise as treatments for Ebola, scientists are still looking urgently for a definitive cure. For the first time, anyone with access to a computer or Android-based mobile device can help scientists perform this critical research — no financial contribution, passport,… Read More
With the CDC crowning the 2014 Ebola Outbreak as the most critical in history, We Are 1ne launches its ZERO EBOLA project in an effort to provide immediate financial relief, resources and long-term support to the affected countries and victims. ZERO EBOLA is a multi-tiered… Read More
Extreme energy poverty serves as a critical issue facing the global community. In fact, over 90% of residents in Liberia and Sierra Leone, which serve as hotbeds for the Ebola virus, suffer from a lack of access to electricity. In an effort to defeat extreme energy poverty and… Read More
As consumers continue to search for the truth behind the deadly Ebola virus, including cures and projects dedicated to Texas nurses Amber Vinson and Nina Pham, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has revealed that are more scams continuing to surface. As previously reported, the city of… Read More
Earlier this week, Amber Vinson, one of the Texas nurses that was treating Ebola patient Thomas Duncan, traveled between Dallas, Texas and Cleveland, Ohio before finding out she was positive for the virus. The situation grabbed public attention and caused total chaos in the Cleveland… Read More
Non-profit donation based crowdfunding platform GlobalGiving, has launched an Ebola Epidemic Relief Fund to allow donors to contribute directly to locally driven Ebola relief efforts in West Africa. The fund has been set up to supper nearly a dozen nonprofits that have been vetted by… Read More
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