Tagged: eli cohen

Tokenization Platform Centrifuge Comments on MiCA and EU Crypto Rules, Expectations for the US

MiCA, or markets in crypto markets regulation, aims to create bright-line rules in Europe to enable digital asset innovation. While not regulating digital securities, MiCA covers just about everything else, including stablecoin regulation. The EU wants to encourage the development of new products and services… Read More

OurCrowd and Partners Win Tender to Operate Israeli Foodtech Incubator

Following the outsized success of BeyondMeat’s (NASDAQ:BYND) initial public offering, OurCrowd and its partners have received government approval to operate Israel’s Foodtech incubator. OurCrowd, along with Finistere Ventures, a global agrifood investment leader, Tnuva, Israel’s food manufacturer, and Tempo Beverages, the leading Israeli beverage company,… Read More

UK Signs Innovation Agreement with Israel

Israel and the United Kingdom have signed a new “landmark” agreement designed to strengthen entrepreneurial and innovation ties between the two countries. Israel is a country with more startups per capita than anyplace else outside Silicon Valley. A unique culture and acceptance of risk taking… Read More

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