Dodd-Frank has proven to be a horrible act of legislation. A reactionary swipe directed towards the financial services industry following the calamity known as the Great Recession, many portions of the law have not yet been fully enacted. The new regulations are simply too convoluted… Read More
Last week Financial Innovation Now (FIN), an alliance of companies which includes Fintech behemoths innovator Amazon, Apple, Google, Intuit and PayPal, spoke out against language used in the Financial CHOICE Act that would repeal debit swipe fee reform. In a letter penned by FIN Executive Director Brian… Read More
The creation of Representative Jeb Hensarling, the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 is geared to replace much of Dodd-Frank legislation. Dodd-Frank has become the poster-child for poorly written law that increased cost to financial service firms while increasing the potential of “too big to fail.”… Read More
At a Congressional hearing yesterday on Marketplace Lending that was described as being “educational”, Rob Nichols, of the American Bankers Association, presented testimony and answered questions along with several other individuals engaged in finance. While the topic was ostensibly “Fintech”, a better label may have… Read More
At a speech delivered at the Economic Club of New York’s meeting in Manhattan this morning, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Congressman Jeb Hensarling, presented a plan to overhaul the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Dodd-Frank, as it is… Read More
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