Tagged: gmo

Japanese Internet Giant GMO Exits Crypto Miner Hardware Manufacturing

GMO, a large Japanese Internet-service provider, announced December 25th that it is abandoning the manufacture of hardware for the mining of cryptocurrencies following “extraordinary losses” in the company’s cryptocurrency division in Q4 2018: “After taking into consideration changes in the current business environment, the Company… Read More

Glowing Plant Grafts with Y Combinator: VC’s First Biotech Investment Reignites GMO Debate

Kickstarter’s first synthetic biology project, the Glowing Plant, which was launched April 2013 by Antony Evans, Fulbright Stanford post-doc fellow Omri Amirav-Drory, PhD and Kyle Taylor, PhD (from Stanford) has made the news again for its syncing with Y Combinator.  The Silicon Valley venture capital firm… Read More

Petition Started to Get Kickstarter to Rescind Ban on Genetically Modified Organisms

Recently Kickstarter decided to update their guidelines for project creators where Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are banned from crowdfunding on their platform.  As one commenter described the change as putting “synthetic biology in the same category as hate crimes and tobacco”. While that statement may… Read More

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