Tagged: naval ravikant

Naval Ravikant Presents Framework For Unregulated Crowdfunding

AngelList co-founder and CEO Naval Ravikant took to his blog over the weekend to outline what could be a new paradigm in funding startups. It melds the crowdfunding model with a novel cryptocurrency that in theory could allow a company to “go public” without the… Read More

Brief: AngelList Adds Filtered Alerts for Investors

Equity crowdfunding platform AngelList has announced a new feature for their growing platform: Filtered alerts now allows investors to monitor specific characteristics such as location, type of offer, and other variables to aid in managing the growing number of businesses listing on their platform.  As… Read More

General Solicitation Is Legal, But Will It Be Successful?

With the lifting of the ban on general solicitation, today marks the beginning of a grand experiment in capital formation in the United States. It is also a boon to a crowdfunding industry that has largely been on autopilot while the implementation timeline of the… Read More

AngelList’s Ravikant: Form D Filing Rules Could Cause “Disastrous Unintended Consequences” For Startups

In a comment letter submitted to the SEC, AngelList co-founder and CEO Naval Ravikant raises concerns over a proposed rule that would require startups seeking funding to file Form D 15 days before general solicitation takes place. In a nutshell, Ravikant expresses doubt that entrepreneurs… Read More

Panel On Crowdfunding to Be Held at Stanford

Crowdfunding: The New Age of Venture Capital or an Invitation to Fraud and Disaster? A Panel is scheduled  to be held at Stanford University on Thursday, February 7,  2013.    There is an opening reception at 5:30PM with a 6PM presentation.  The address is: Room… Read More

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