Twelve Foot Ninja’s Pozible-Crowdfunded, Over The Top & NSFW Music Video

PozibleAustralian rock band Twelve Foot Ninja took to Australia-based crowdfunding platform Pozible in an effort to crowdfund a music video. The campaign ended in May of 2013 after raising $52,600 on a goal of $45,000. The big news at the time was that the campaign had broken Eskimo Joe’s record for a music act on Pozible.

Also of note: according to FasterLouder, one superfan of the band from Singapore dropped around $10,000 for the top reward tier which included a private concert and BBQ with the band among other perks.

The fruits of Twelve Foot Ninja’s crowdfunding labor have now been realized in the form of the video embedded below. No, it is not suitable for work. Yes, it is completely disgusting. You’ve been warned. Having said all of that, it’s pretty epic!

Watch below…

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