Bragi Receives Huge $22 Million Investment as Dash Prepares to Ship

Bragi_Dash_plus_AppBragi, creators of the in-ear, smart Bluetooth earphones, has received a sizeable $22 million investment from a group of American, European and Asian investors.  Bragi did not identify the investors by name.

The Kickstarter success story ran a crowdfunding campaign back in early 2014.  The concept, lacking a working prototype, generated almost $3.4 million in support as backers were convinced by the background of the project Nikolaj Hviid.  Bragi remains as one of the top 20 campaigns on Kickstarter and the 6th largest design campaign of all time.

Nikolaj HviidBragi announced earlier this week that both CE certification and FCC approval are imminent and shipping to early backers should commence next week. While late on delivery, the campaign has maintained a steadfast commitment to communicate with backers on a consistent basis.  All Kickstarter backers may see delivery before the end of the month.

Today 85 people work at Germany-based Bragi.  The company acknowledges that without the support of Kickstarter users the company may have never been possible.  Bragi is “hiring additional amazing talent every month”.

Wired called Bragi Dash “a device so complex that not even Apple or Google have tried something similar”.

This is an important success for Kickstarter as it is indicative of a concept becoming reality that can challenge entrenched and far larger incumbents – all via rewards-based crowdfunding

Watch a recent video posted by the founder showing the Dash streaming audio.




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