Feed Your Dog: Cotswold RAW Crowdfunding on Crowdcube

UK-based raw pet food brand Cotswold RAW has launched a campaign on Crowdcube to raise £250K (approximately $317K) for its next business projects.  Focusing on accelerated growth, the company’s spokesperson said that the team intends to “expand the business’s distribution, production, and innovation capabilities”.  Cotswold RAW is giving up to 10 percent of its business in return for investments to use on products and infrastructure expansion.

After a day of campaigning, Cotswold has raised £25,250 (almost $31,000) or nine percent of its fundraising goal.  There are 28 days left in the campaign.

Mark Lewis and Chris Brierley started the company almost two years ago and pride themselves on keeping Cotswold RAW’s operations rural, including sourcing locally and within the countryside.


How did this product come about?

“In the UK we’re fortunate enough to live in a pet caring society that’s largely committed to improving our four-legged friends’ long-term wellness. Pet food is a buoyant category even in times of tough economic hardship, because when it comes to that all-important extra member of family we’re no longer prepared to settle for the most convenient, quick-fix solution.”

What is the company’s business model? Cotswold RAW splits its business portfolio between 25 percent retail sales and 75 percent home delivery.

The company says that every 1 out of 3 dogs in the UK suffers from poor diets and obesity; Cotswold RAW therefore target its market on “health conscious pet owners” who pay as much attention to their pets’ diets as they do their own diets.

The team also cites that 24 percent of UK households own a dog — approximately 8.5 million dog owners — and that two-thirds of Brits view their pets as a member of the family.

“The resulting ‘humanisation’ of pets has resulted in the bridging of the gap between human and pet food, as owners apply the same essential ‘health choices’ to their pet’s food: ‘free-from,’ grain-free, all-natural, raw, the presence of super foods.”

So what exactly is the Cotswold RAW recipe?


“Canine nutritionists differ as to the ideal relative proportions of raw, meaty bones to vegetables. Our standard recipe, specially prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of an active working dog, follows the 80/20 rule – 80% raw, meaty bones and 20% fresh fruit and vegetables. Our 90/10 recipe is prepared for working dogs that need extra energy to get through the day and our 70/30 recipe is lower in fat and suitable for all breeds.”

Cotswold RAW says that the dog and cat food market in the UK is estimated to be worth over £2.4 billion (almost $3 billion).  The company currently sells to 50 retailers, including online pet store Ocado.  The company also says that it has sold its products to over 100 individuals.

The company was founded in 2015.

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