Infragram Is A Small Infrared Camera For Geek Gardeners

Did you know that looking at a garden in infrared can help a gardener see areas of high growth versus elements of low growth or decay? You learn something new every day.

That is the idea behind the Infagram, which aims to put an infrared point and shoot camera in the hands of geek gardeners for the price of $95.

The campaign page lists the things you can do with Infragram…

The campaign openly hopes for big contributions and the team behind the campaign has promised to try and sweeten the rewards if the campaign surpasses its goal. It is already fully funded with over a month to go, so it looks like Public Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts will have some flexibility once the campaign ends.

The team will take existing, off-the-shelf cameras with a filter that allows the cameras to pick up infrared light. After a bit of post-processing via the web the user is left with a comprehensive image of their garden or crops. Here is an example of the before and after of the images…


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