Just a few days after “dog-namer” Aaron Schlechter announced that he would change the objective of his Kickstarter campaign (which was to help others name their fur babies) to purchasing the crowdfunding giant, copywriter at Barton F. Graf 9000, LLC in New York City, Martin Baker, unveiled his new Indiegogo campaign dedicated to buying the famous platform as well.
As previously reported, Schlechter’s dog-naming dreams came to a screeching halt when Kickstarter informed him that his project didn’t fit in any of its funding categories (basically violated its guidelines) and he needed to create a new idea. His response:
“You see, Kickstarter has informed me that I should focus on the ‘book aspect’ of this project ‘rather than naming dogs, which – while a noble goal – does not fit within one of our 15 categories,’ if I don’t want this Kickstarter taken down.
“If I raise $1,200,000,000, however, I plan to buy Kickstarter and amend its rules so only projects related to the naming of dogs will be allowed on this site. That may seem like a stretch, but think about it–if only one out of every six people on earth donates $1 for me to name their dog ‘Donald’ then we’re in business.”
Now, Baker is aiming for $2 billion and is using Kickstarter’s competitor in hopes of raising the funds. He wrote:
“It’s always been my dream to own the most successful crowdfunding platform. With your help, that’s possible by way of this less successful crowdfunding platform. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.”

- Raising $2,000,000,000
- Obtaining the phone number of the current owners of Kickstarter.
Luckily, Baker has offered one tip on how to help his project grow without having to fund it: Talk to the guys that currently own Kickstater and maybe get the price down a little bit. Seems like a waste to spend all that money on one purchase.
Unfortunately for both campaign organizers, neither one are having any luck in obtaining the $2 billion goal quickly. Baker is currently sitting at $143 from 7 backers while Schlechter has captured $587 from 31 backer. Each project is set to close next month.
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