Ukraine War Impacts Online Investing, Investment Crowdfunding Now Showing a Downward Trend

The unprovoked invasion by Russia attacking Ukraine has impacted global markets driving risk higher and causing extreme volatility in all markets. The war has also impacted online investing – crowdfunding – according to Crowdfund Capital Advisors (CCA).

CCA co-founder Sherwood “Woodie” Neiss tweeted today that the Online Investment Index for the first time since 2018 has switched the trendline down due to the war in Ukraine.

In 2021, CCA reported a gangbusters year of Reg CF securities offerings – with over half a million Americans committing $570 million into 1,500+ offerings on platforms issuing securities under Reg CF. CCA has predicted this amount could double in 2022 but this was before the war in Europe. Over the coming months, you may expect the larger securities crowdfunding platforms to share how global conflict is impacting operations. Meanwhile, traditional markets have tanked and may decline further if a diplomatic solution in Ukraine does not emerge in the coming weeks.



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