The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) in the UK has set out its plans showing how it proposes “to carry out two market reviews focusing on card fees.” As noted in the update from PSR, one “looks at scheme and processing fees, and the other at… Read More
The UK’s Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has reportedly put the card schemes on notice that it is looking into their fees and how to assist merchants with entering better deals, including by promoting the alternative of account-to-account payments. While sharing its plans for 2022/23, the… Read More
Professor Aggelos Kiayias, a Greek computer scientist, currently a professor at the University of Edinburgh, has published a blog post titled “Stablefees and the Decentralized Reserve System.” Kiayias notes in a blog posted by IOHK, the company supporting Cardano development, that facilitating transactions via crypto… Read More
Payments company Square’s (NYSE:SQ) Cash App now allows users to complete Bitcoin payments without having to pay transaction fees. You can now instantly send bitcoin to other $cashtags for free, right from your Cash App. To celebrate, we’re giving out $1 million in BTC. To… Read More
On February 26, 2021, at 1400 UTC, an Ethereum community call is scheduled to take place in order to discuss the implementation of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559. EIP-1559 is a transaction pricing mechanism that includes “fixed-per-block network fees” on Ethereum (ETH), the world’s largest… Read More
The number of transactions conducted on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain have increased by over 2x in 2020, when compared to last year. The world’s second-largest blockchain (behind only Bitcoin) is now handling around the same number of transactions as it did back in January 2018,… Read More
San Francisco based crypto exchange Coinbase recently revealed how batching payments has benefited its customers, and also helped improve its internal operations. In March 2020, Coinbase announced that it had introduced Bitcoin (BTC) transaction batching. The exchange claims: “Since launching, we have batched 100% of… Read More
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