Milestone: Kickstarter Has Funded Over 50,000 Projects

Drawing for DollarsCrowdfunding leader Kickstarter continues on their successful trajectory with an announcement they have now funded over 50,000 projects since launching their now ubiquitous platform.  These projects represent $834 Million in pledges by over 5 Million backers.  An incredible feat.

To add some perspective to their growth, Kickstarter’s very first crowdfunding campaign was “drawing for dollars” launched on April 24, 2009.  The campaign raised $35.00 on a $20.00 goal.   How far have they come.

With over 11.5 Million total pledges made, Kickstarter’s top five categories by successful dollars are:

  • Games – $160.3 Million
  • Film & Video – $143.39 Million
  • Design – $100.94 Million
  • Music – $83.29 Million
  • Technology – $73.98 Million

Chen, Strickler and Adler founders of KickstarterKickstarter was founded in April 2009 by Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler and Charles Adler.  The site reportedly raised $10 Million from NYC based Venture Capital group Union Square Ventures, along with other angels to launch their platform which has become synonymous with the term crowdfunding.


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