Nesta: 44 Facts About Alternative Finance (Infographic)

NESTA and CambridgeNesta and Cambridge University recently published an update on crowdfunding, peer to peer lending and all forms of alternative finance in the United Kingdom.  Crowdfund Insider reported on the complete publication but buried inside the document was an infographic gem.  The creative team at Nesta have thankfully published a stand alone image that shares 44 facts about alternative finance in the UK.  So if you are looking for a superlative snapshot on where the UK stands today – here it is.

The United States has much to learn from our British neighbors.  The UK is in many respects the birthplace of peer to peer lending and the government has embraced a light touch regulatory approach recognizing that innovation is beneficial to consumers.  Over-regulation kills and to quote Dr. Gray from Cambridge University, “the UK experience has proven that equity-based crowdfunding or crowd-investing can work with high level of participation from the retail investors as well as the more sophisticated/high net worth investors in a regulated environment”.  Bravo.  Now if we can import some of this political spirit over here.

Click on the image to expand.

Nesta 44 Facts About Alternative Finance 2014

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