Brief: 5th Cell Partners with Video Game Focused Platform Fig to Crowdfund Original IP


Last month, Double Fine’s Tim Schafer, inXile’s Brian Fargo, and Obsidian’s Feargus Urquhart launched Fig, which focuses exclusively on video games. The platform allows the reward-based component as a way of “proving out a market, de-risking investment, getting investors more excited.” If investors see fans supporting a project, they might be more willing to invest more on their side.

Outer Wilds 3After their success with the first-person space exploration game Outer Wilds campaign, the day it was launched, Fig closed the investments portion of the project after the game secured $50,000 from investors (and $500,000 in investment interest). Today Scribblenauts and Run Roo Run developer 5TH Cell partnered with Fig to launch an IP that will go live on 21 October. Currently accredited investors can pre-qualify and be among the first to participate in an investment opportunity related to 5TH Cell’s new game.

“Since Kickstarter’s rise to power, we’ve seen several projects change their direction drastically, or simply fall off the face of the earth, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars with them; Fig seeks to eliminate these issues so backers won’t face any caveat emptor-style surprises. And after meeting some qualifications and donating $1000 or more, funders can actually stand to make money off of their chosen game—for some, a much better incentive than plastic trinkets or digital goodies, “commented US Gamer‘s Bob Mackey.

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