€423K+ Earned by Robo.cash Investors in Feb 2022, 685 New Investors Also Joined Online Lending Platform

After closing the month of February 2022, the team at Robo.cash has shared their latest platform updates, as well as some of their recent results.

Robocash noted in an update:

  • Plarform investors funded loans worth 15M euro.
  • 685 people started investing via Robocash.
  • Investors earned 423,000 Euros.

On February 21, 2022, Robo.cash celebrated the 5th platform anniversary. They reflected on how it all began and shared their eventful journey with clients.

The firm wrote in a blog post they were working closely with your concerns around the influence of the current news on Robocash operations. They conducted an online chat via their official Telegram channel with Sergey Sedov, CEO of Robocash Group, and Grigorii Shikunov, Deputy CFO of Robocash Group, last Sunday (Feb.27, 2022).

They also discussed “the impact of the Ukrainian conflict on lending business, Robocash transition to a new bank, and the Group operations.”

The firm has  collected the key questions raised during the chat, as well as the ones “you left in [their] Google form.”

The firm also noted that there have been changes to the Robocash bank details.

The company confirmed:

“As part of an on-going business process, we are transferring all further transactions to the new payment provider, 3S Money. Meanwhile, we make sure your funds are safe and continue to be invested. The option to withdraw funds through BlueOrange Bank will remain available during the transition period.”

They also noted:

“We have received your questions regarding the difficulties with new payments. In order to help with your inquiry, we need your full name and email address registered on the Robocash platform. Therefore, please contact us at support@robo.cash and we will solve your issue as soon as possible.”

Robo.cash reminded clients that they “make sure your funds are safe and continue to be invested.” The option to withdraw funds through BlueOrange Bank “will remain available during the transition period.”

For the time being, please be “aware that all pending deposits made through Blue Orange Bank today may be refunded back to you.” The firm also noted that “to proceed with the new investment, please use the new account number of the Robocash platform” from February 25, 2022:

  • Account name: Robocash d.o.o
  • IBAN: NL86MOLU0796826382
  • Bank SWIFT code: MOLUNL22
  • Bank name: 3S Money Club Limited
  • Bank Institution Address: Amsterdam, Herengracht 281, Netherlands
  • Currency: EUR

As mentioned in the update:

“The planned changes, as well as current political tension, will not affect the operation of the platform and the holding as a whole. The money invested on the Robocash platform is directed to the holding development in Asia and is in no way transferred to or from Russia.”

The firm added that Zaymer, representing the Group in Russia, is “focused on the domestic market and is not involved in the platform operation.”

Zaymer has “no borrowings from foreign companies and possesses enough equity to cover all current needs,” the firm clarified while noting that the Group’s business in Asia has “no relationship with Russian banks, thus facing no financial risk, connected with the conflict.”

Robo.cash also mentioned:

“At the same time, Robocash Group is ready to quickly take the necessary measures during the current events. The company successfully emerged from the crisis year of 2020 with good financial results and is equipped to adapt its business to new market conditions.”

The company added that after taking into account current events, they are delaying “the decision to lower the interest rate until further updates.”

For more details on these updates, check here.

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