Loans Worth €15.7M Were Funded Last Month via Investment Platform

A year ago, the platform was joined by the Philippine originator UnaPay.

Presently, it is operating within the holding under the UnaCash brand.

The Robocash team noted that they are pleased to share the company results for the beginning of 2022.

Here are the main results shared by

  • The demand “drives the company’s surplus, and the high quality of borrowers and impressive collection rates remain.” As of February 2022, the average surplus at 60 days “was 43%, 11% more than in the last quarter of 2021.”
  • The share of overdue loans “is maintained at 11% FPD15+, which indicates the good quality of the company’s portfolio.”
  • Revenue shows “a rapid rise, as it almost doubled since the beginning of the year.”

Nikita Saigutin, CEO of UnaCash, said:

“In May, the Central Bank of the Philippines announced that it was following up on its plan to digitize 50% of all payment transactions by next year. We, in turn, see great potential in our resources to contribute to this solution. We have developed digital banking software, and UnaCash is now the 6th most popular app on Google Play in the Philippine finance segment. The beginning of the year showed that we reached a stable conversion rate. Now our focus is to expand the client base and to scale further in the Philippines.”

While you are actively preparing for the summer, the Robocash team says they are “working tirelessly to improve [their] product.”

Here are some updates from May:

  • Loans worth 15.7 M euro were funded last month.
  • onboarded 523 new investors.
  • May brought investors 542 thousand euro.

Thanks to its clients, Robocash have now “crossed the mark of 25,000 investors.”

In their brief review, they have compiled the first results and milestones of 2022.

They have posted an update about investing in bonds.

You may take a look at the basics of investing in bonds, “including what they are, how they work, and the different types of bonds that are available.”

In a live session with Grigorii Shikunov, the team also highlighted the Group’s financial results for 2021 and “recalled what events marked Q1 of 2022 for the platform.”

Here you may review the summary of the meeting and view the recording.

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