PeerBerry Reports that €34.8M of War-Affected Loans Were Repaid to Investors

PeerBerry business partners are “repaying EUR 1.7 million of war-affected loans.”

Under the Group guarantee mechanism in 13 months of the war, PeerBerry business partners have already “repaid EUR 34.8 million, or 69,3% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.”

Remember that AutoMoney UA and Slon Credit UA long-term loans are “being repaid under the initial loan schedule.”

The last payments of these loans “are being repaid with the accrued interest.”

Also note that “a part of war-affected long-term loans (long, business, real estate, leasing) are repaid in full already.” Information about such loans you can “find in your account in the My investments section / Finished investments.”

You can see “the progress of repayments of war-affected loans (the total repaid amount, the amount of remaining war-affected obligations, and repayments by separate lenders or groups) on our ‘Statistics’ page on our website.”

Please note that the information on the Statistics page is “not being updated instantly – it requires up to one day for the data to be updated.”

The repayments of war-affected loans are “being performed monthly in the middle of the month.”

In February, PeerBerry investors “funded EUR 55,3 million of loans and received EUR 745 564 in interest.”

1160 new investors “joined the platform last month.”

The average annual ROI on PeerBerry in February “was 11,12%.”

PeerBerry’s portfolio “amounted to EUR 107,7 million at the end of February.”

Currently, PeerBerry “joins 66 126 investors.”

In February, PeerBerry has “exceeded EUR 1.6 billion in the total invested amount (since the start of the platform operation).”

Last month, the platform “offered investors two new destinations to invest in loans adding Aventus NT (Spain) business loans and PůjčkaPlus (the Czech Republic) short-term loans.”

PeerBerry business partners “repaid over EUR 1.8 million in war-affected loans in February.”

Under the Group guarantee mechanism in 12 months of the war, PeerBerry business partners have already “repaid EUR 33 million, or 66% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.”

PeerBerry will “process the next repayment of war-affected loans in mid-March 2023.”

If you are looking for additional opportunities to diversify your investment portfolio, consider investing “in property-backed loans on a regulated crowdfunding platform Crowdpear represented by our team.”

Currently, they claim to “have an attractive offer – a 6 months-term loan with 11% ROI.”

For more details on these updates, check here.

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