PeerBerry Investors Funded €65.53M of Loans Last Month, an 18.5% MoM Increase

In March, PeerBerry investors reportedly funded €65.53 million of loans, “i.e., €10.23 million or 18.5% more than the previous month.”

In March, their investors “received €877 001 in interest.”

1071 new investors joined the platform last month.

The average annual ROI on PeerBerry “in March was 11.11%.”

PeerBerry’s portfolio “amounted to €110.46 million at the end of March.” Currently, PeerBerry joins “over 67 000 investors.”

Since PeerBerry‘s inception, PeerBerry investors” have funded EUR 1.67 billion of loans.”

PeerBerry business partners “repaid over EUR 1.7 million in war-affected loans in March.”

Under the Group guarantee mechanism in 13 months of the war, PeerBerry business partners have already “repaid EUR 34.8 million, or 69.3% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.”

PeerBerry will “process the next repayment of war-affected loans in mid-April 2023.”

Adjustments in the Auto Invest tool

To increase the effectiveness of Auto Invest, their team is “constantly improving this tool.”

Certain adjustments were “made in the Auto Invest tool at the end of March, one of which is the requirement to indicate an upper limit (at least €50) we want to invest in one loan when adjusting or setting a new Auto Invest strategy.”

As mentioned in a blog post, the minimum investment amount “on PeerBerry remains EUR 10. Such an amount can be invested manually; Auto Invest will also invest in loans from EUR 10.”

As noted in the update, the new upper limit (EUR 50 minimum) “means that our Auto Invest strategy will invest in any amount from EUR 10 to EUR 50.” You can also “set a higher amount than EUR 50; in such a case, the Auto Invest strategy will invest in any amount up to the amount specified in your strategy.”

Here is why they implemented this change:

As noted in a blog post, the team sees “that strategies with higher amounts for investors perform better.” Strategies with higher amounts also “require fewer operations for Auto Invest to invest the entire uninvested amount, which is less load on the system.”

Remember that “there is no diversification through investments in small amounts when investing in loans issued by the same lender.”

When we invest in loans, we lend “to the company that is issuing loans, so there is no difference if we invest EUR 10 in one loan, EUR 50 in one loan, or even higher amounts – the lender has an obligation to buyback loans we invested in no matter whether the end-borrower has repaid the loan or not. To mitigate risks through diversification, consider investing in loans issued by different lenders in different countries (but not in small amounts of loans issued by the same lender).”

Please also note “that the demand to invest in loans (especially short-term) is high on their platform.”

Combining manual investing with Auto investing helps “to invest funds more effectively. Our platform lists new loans on business days in the first part of the day.”

For more details, check here.

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