PeerBerry Reports €36.8M of War-Affected Loans Repaid to Investors

PeerBerry recently revealed that its business partners are repaying €1.8 million worth of war-affected loans.

PeerBerry writes in a blog post that under the current Group guarantee mechanism in 14 months of the war, the investment platform’s business partners have already repaid €36.8 million, or 73,3% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.

Recall that AutoMoney UA and Slon Credit UA long-term loans are “being repaid under the initial loan schedule.” The last payments of these loans “are being repaid with the accrued interest.”

Also, note that “a part of war-affected loans is repaid in full already—information about such loans you can find in your account in the My Investments section / Finished investments.”

The team at PeerBerry reminds clients to contact their Client Support via Live Chat or email if you have questions or need help finding the necessary information in your account.

You can view the overall progress of repayments of war-affected loans (the total repaid amount, the amount of remaining war-affected obligations, and repayments by separate lenders or groups) via the app’s “Statistics” page on their official website.

Note that the information on the Statistics page is “not being updated instantly – it requires up to one day for the data to be updated.”

To help you understand better how the repayments of war-affected loans are being performed and where to find the information you need, check here.

As clarified in the update, the repayments of war-affected loans “are being performed monthly in the middle of the month.”

At the end of March, PeerBerry “launched a French version of the platform.”

Now PeerBerry website, the client account, and the app (version 1.8.0) for Android users are available “in a native language to French-speaking investors.”

The app update for iOS users, “including a French version, is on its way and will be available to download on the App store within a few weeks.”

The PeerBerry investor community from France “has grown significantly in recent years. French investors account for 12% of investors actively investing on the PeerBerry platform.”

According to the number of active investors, France is “the second country in the TOP 10 countries from which PeerBerry has active investors.” Germany has “taken the leading position since PeerBerry’s inception, and Spain has moved from the second to the third position.”

Currently, PeerBerry is “available to international investors in four languages: English, German, Spanish, and French.”

PeerBerry reportedly “has over 67 000 verified investors from more than 100 countries, 46% of which are actively investing on the platform.”

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