Boxabl Plans Return to StartEngine for Next Funding Round

Boxabl, a pre-fab housing manufacturer that has generated significant interest among consumers, is planning to return to StartEngine for its next funding round, according to an email from the platform.

In August of 2022, Boxabl closed a Reg A+ securities offering at around $24 million. The company then quickly transitioned to a Reg CF offering that went on to raise an additional $3.6 million. Both of the offerings were hosted on StartEngine – with a simultaneous listing on Republic – but the majority of funds were raised on StartEngine. There was also a Reg D offering in the mix.

The Reg A+ offering was listed at a pre-money valuation of $3 billion, and the Reg CF offering at $3.36 billion.

To date, the company has raised $140 million from over 40,000 investors, according to StartEngine.

At the time of the securities offering, Boxabl reported around 100,000 units in the queue and a contract with the US government helping to push things forward.

Today, Boxable reports 160,000 reservations and two factories working to churn out product with a goal of producing one home per minute.

While details of the newest offering are not yet available as Boxabl is “testing the waters” and taking non-binding reservations and offering documents are not yet available. Currently, 75 investors have posted about $132,000 in investor interest.

The Boxabl securities offer ended up being one of the largest ever on StartEngine. The company gained some broad exposure when it was rumored that Elon Musk was a fan – and perhaps a user.


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