Tagged: command partners

Command Partners & Enventys Merge to Create Turnkey Product Launch Platform

Command Partners and Enventys have merged to form a one-stop platform to power successful hardware projects. From ideation to funding to broad market roll-out, the combined entity will help entrepreneurs bring their designs to reality and financial success. Command Partners was one of the first… Read More

Crowdfunding Marketing Firm Command Partners Acquires Art of the Kickstart Podcast

Marketing firm Command Partners, a company that has targeted the crowdfunding sector, has announced it has acquired “Art of the Kickstart” podcast. Founded by Matt Ward in 2014, Art of the Kickstart is said to have interviewed more than 100 crowdfunders who have raised over $20… Read More

Command Partners Continues Growth in 2015 Third Quarter; Named One of the 50 Fastest Growing Private Companies in Charlotte

Command Partners, a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in tech and startup companies, has just closed out another record quarter. Not only is the company growing with their many successful business ventures, they have also experienced internal growth with the addition of several new employees…. Read More

Command Partners Experiences Large Growth First Half of 2015; Doubles Staff

Charlotte’s digital marketing agency, Command Partners, announced it has enjoyed a large amount of growth so far in 2015. The agency has added at least one new employee in every department: Public Relations, Social Media, SEO, PPC Advertising and Client Services. Among the new hires is Rich… Read More

Advanced Toolbox Coolbox Makes Its Way to Indiegogo; Scores Nearly $35,000 First Day

On Monday (January 26th), Coolbox, what’s considered the world’s “most advanced toolbox, surfaced on crowdfunding giant Indiegogo with the help of strategic partners, Project CoPilot, CAD Models, RPP, and Command Partners. Set to raise only $50,000, the project immediately hit the spotlight and managed to raise half… Read More

Brief: Command Partners Announces 2014 Fourth Quarter Success

Command Partners, a digital marketing agency, announced it has finished a successful fourth quarter.  The full-service digital marketing, advertising and public relations agency, is based in Charlotte, NC and  was formally recognized by the Charlotte Business Journal as one of the “Best Places To Work”… Read More

Crowdfunding Expert Jessica Chesney of Command Partners to Speak at Geek Girl TechCon in Charlotte

Digital Marketing Manager at Charlotte, North Carolina’s Command Partners, Jessica Chesney, announced this week that she will be speaking at the Geek Girl. The conference, which is held on November 15th, is the largest hands-on technology conference for women in the area and includes activities for all skill levels…. Read More

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