Tagged: rocketbook

Following Kickstarter Success: Rocketbook Moves Everlast Notebook Project to Indiegogo InDemand

Following the closing of its highly successful Kickstarter campaign, Rocketbook’s Everlast Notebook is now seeking additional funding through Indiegogo’s InDemand feature. The project raised $1,823,227 from 28,138 backers. The Everlast Notebook provides a classic pen and paper experience; it is built for the digital age. Although it looks… Read More

Update: Rocketbook Scores Nearly $240,000 on Kickstarter; Announces New Android App

Rocketbook, the cloud-integrated notebook that can be erased and reused after popping it into the microwave for 30 second, exceeded its funding goal by 1100%, raising over $235,000 in a matter of days on global crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo. In response to overwhelming demand from the Android community,… Read More

Rocketbook Announces Indiegogo Initiative at Launch Festival 2015; Secures Over $40,000 in a Matter of Days

Rocketbook is the easiest way for people who prefer handwritten notes to also enjoy the ease and convenience of organized cloud storage. Joe Lemay, the CEO of Rocket Innovations, announced his newest product yesterday at Launch Festival in San Francisco, California. Rocketbook went live on… Read More

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