Tagged: speech

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey Discusses Challenges, Mentions CBDCs: “Digital money is about the technology of delivery”

Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, recently delivered a speech in which he commented on the major issues the UK faces, and tried to set out how they “fit together and the challenges they give rise to.” Baily said that in recent weeks,… Read More

Singapore on Regulating Fintech: “Financial Regulators Should not be Afraid to Work Collaboratively”

This is a special time of the year in Washington, DC. It is the annual Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank meaning a diverse group of policymakers and regulators descend upon the US Capitol clogging restaurants and over-booking hotels. This also means there… Read More

Here is the Speech by Bank of England Governor on the Promise of Fintech

Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, delivered a speech today at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London, entitled “Enabling the FinTech transformation: Revolution, Restoration, or Reformation?” Noting that “transparency is the hallmark of modern central… Read More

Does the SEC Want to Create a Regulatory Approach for Cross Border Equity Crowdfunding Offers?

Keith Higgins, Director the Division of Corporate Finance of the SEC, travelled to the UK last week to keynote a speech at the Fifteenth Annual Institute of Securities Regulation in Europe.  The speech, entitled; “International Developments -Past, Present & Future, launched into the premise of… Read More

Fed Vice Chair Warns Against “Shadow Banks”

In a speech entitled, “Financial Stability and Shadow Banks: What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us“, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer cautioned that while much has been done to reduce shadow banking risk, more needs to be done. The theme appears to be gaining… Read More

Commissioner Gallagher: Are the US Capital Markets Competitive?

    Though time has seemingly stood still on JOBS Act rulemaking at the SEC nearly one thousand days after its passage, the world continues to complete a full rotation every 24 hours – and it seems that the rest of the world is passing… Read More

UK Business Minister Trumpets Government Push for Business

In a speech delivered at the inaugural Medium Size Business conference held in London, Tory MP and George Osborne ally Matthew Hancock delivered a statement championing the government push to grow UK business.  The missive specifically targets mid-size enterprises and highlights specific programs including policy… Read More

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