Star Citizen Nears $54M Stretch Goal; Gives First Look at Co-Op & Friend Mode

Robert’s Space Industries’ Star Citizen,  the never ending crowdfunding campaign, is making its way to its next stretch goal of $54,000,000. But NOT before it gives fans a taste of what’s to come.

star-citizen-logoIn case you haven’t heard, Star Citizen initially set out to raise $2,000,000 in January of 2012. Within the past two and a half years, the campaign has not only surpassed its original goal, it continues to get more backers each day. Now, Robert’s Space Industries is ready to give backers an inside look at its co-op.

As previously reported, Each new stretch goal adding new features to the game has been hurdled and as the months have gone by millions continue to roll in.  In the Hall of Fame of crowdfunding – Star Citizen is at the top of rewards based campaigns.  Some have even speculated the final goal is to hit $100 million – a herculean task.

According to Co-Optimus, the Star Citizen’s Arena Commander module has been updated to version 0.9.  The latest update adds not only a few modes for gameplay but also allows users to group together with friends to play. The first module added a “race mode” with a new map called New Horizon. Players race each other for a chance to be the fastest ship. With this mode, two new race ships will be revealed, the M50 and the 350R.

Chris Roberts -Max Photography for GDC Online GDC Online 2012 (Wed, 10:10) Roberts Space Industries Press Event Chris RobertsThe recent update also revealed the introduction of the new mode, Vanduul Swarm. This is the game’s take on AI enemies in the co-op. In this mode players will team up with two other friends to battle against enemies. To join up with friends or have friends join, the player must grab the match ID known as the “friend code,” which is located on the screen.

Star Citizen is the creation of Chris Roberts, a well known video game developer and film producer. With over $50 million collected for Star Citizen, it should be an incredible game.


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