Tagged: grossman and schole

SEC Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee to Discuss Crowdfunded Securities and Liquidity

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee (SBCFAC) has scheduled a meeting to discuss the topic of crowdfunded securities, under Reg CF and Reg +, and liquidity. The SBCFAC is a group of industry leaders that advise the Commission on… Read More

Investment Crowdfunding: The Importance of Securities Compliance with Online Capital Formation

The Importance of Compliance. Under the JOBS Act 0f 2012, online capital formation – or investment crowdfunding, became legal in the US. Three exemptions were created that enabled firms to raise money online to fund a company by selling securities. The legislation created Regulation Crowdfunding… Read More

DAO: Here is the SEC Investigative Report on ICOs that Will Squelch Emerging ICO Market

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued an investigative report on the fast-growing Initial Coin Offering (ICO) market that will squelch the ICO market, at least in the US. The report, embedded below, was specifically directed at the DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization that launched… Read More

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