Tagged: crackstarter

Rob Ford’s Rough Go With Crowdfunding Continues: A Billboard On Rabble

Embattled Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford’s relationship status with crowdfunding? It’s complicated. You may remember from last year that Gawker editor John Cook spearheaded a crowdfunding campaign – affectionately called “Crackstarter” – that aimed to crowdfund the money necessary to purchase a video allegedly showing… Read More

Outlandish Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaigns from 2013

The past twelve months were good for global crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.  While they do not publicly release site statistics like their friendly competitor Kickstarter, Indiegogo had a pretty good year.  Indiegogo facilitates funding for a lot of very cool projects, businesses and causes.  I continue… Read More

WATCH: The 5 Most Controversial Crowdfunding Campaigns

Kickstarted, the crowdfunding documentary currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, has released a video on YouTube running down the top 5 most controversial crowdfunding campaigns. Can you guess which campaign is number one? Kickstarted has raised just $21,000 of an $85,000 goal to date with a little… Read More

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