After delivering some innovative solutions for FedNow in the US and MEPS+ in Singapore, PaymentComponents delivers a P27 solution for the Nordics. Enhancing its Finaplo Financial messaging solution with P27 payments “allows banks in the area to alleviate the burden of transitioning to this new… Read More
Instant payments are at “the top” of P27’s agenda. And more than a dozen banks connected to Swedish instant payments solution Swish are “set to test the Nordic payments platform by the end of the year.” Customer Relations Director Jacob Groth said: “We’re doing everything… Read More
The Board of P27 has reportedly appointed Paula da Silva as the new CEO of P27 replacing Lars Sjögren. As mentioned in the announcement, Paula is expected to start on January 17, 2022, while Claus Richter, Deputy CEO of P27, will be taking the interim… Read More
The European Commission reveals that it has approved the merger request from the P27 Nordic Payments initiative in order to form its pan-Nordic payments platform. This latest approval from the European Commission marks a key milestone for the project which is focused on working towards… Read More
Global financial infrastructure provider, Banking Circle, has reportedly joined the P27 Nordic payment initiative as a “front-runner” bank in developing “bulk-clearing” for the Danish Krone, “underlining its commitment to building a global payments infrastructure.” P27 has been recognized as an important initiative to address the… Read More
Capgemini has released a new report titled, Payments – Top Trends 2021: Drivers, Opportunities, and Risks Shaping Financial Services. While highlighting key Fintech trends in the payments sector, the extensive report noted that Payments-as-a-Service has gained significant “traction” among small- and mid-tier institutions. It added… Read More
P27 Nordic Payments Platform announced on Tuesday it has acquired Bankkgirot, a Sweden-Based clearing house for mass payments. According to P27, Bankgirot has a “central role” in the Swedish payment system and handles transactions of a total value of approximately SEK 73 billion per day…. Read More
Six Nordic banks will be funding the development of an international real-time payments system as part of the P27 collective. Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, OP Financial Group, SEB and Swedbank have reportedly finalized a shareholders’ agreement, formulated a business plan, and agreed to make investments… Read More
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