Anthony Zeoli

SEC Adopts Massive Changes To ā€œAccredited Investorā€ Definition

Its official, the ā€œaccredited investorā€ definition, which has not changed significantly since its enactment almost 40 years ago, has been massively upgraded. On August 26, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (ā€œSECā€) adopted final amendments to the ā€œaccredited investorā€ definition which fundamentally change and broaden… Read More

The New Proposed ā€œAccredited Investorā€ Definition Changes And Why They Are A BIG Deal

While it passed somewhat under the radar with the holiday season, on December 18, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (ā€œSECā€) released a proposal to significantly amend the existing ā€œaccredited investorā€ definition; which is integral in determining who can participate in private securities transactions. The… Read More

When Does A ā€œDigital Assetā€ Qualify As A Security? A Deeper Dive Into Recent SEC Guidance.

Hereā€™s a question for all of you. Between coins, tokens, stamps, tickets, vouchers, and chips, which of these qualifies as a ā€œsecurityā€ under U.S. Securities laws? Itā€™s actually a trick question, they all do! Well, technically speaking, they all could potentially qualify as securities. The… Read More

A Review Of The Proposed ā€œToken Taxonomy Actā€ and Why It Falls Shortā€¦

While most people were busy with last minute Christmas shopping, on December 20th of last year, Representatives Warren Davidson and Darren Soto were busy finalizing and introducing the proposed new ā€œToken Taxonomy Actā€ (HR 7356). The proposed Token Taxonomy Act seeks to modify both existing… Read More

JOBS Act 3.0: Breaking Down Highlights of TheĀ  ā€œJOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018ā€

Earlier this month the House Financial Services Committee unveiled a new bill aimed at fostering increased private investment. The ā€œJOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018,ā€ as the bill is titles, is actually a compilation of 32 individual bills. While the complete list of the… Read More

Focusing on the How, Not the What: Making Sense of Recent SEC Guidance on Crypto Assets

Through a triad of recent releases/interviews, the SEC has further clarified how it views the offering and sale of crypto assets. These guidance materials provide some really good insight on the SECā€™s thinking with respect to its treatment of crypto assets; including some bright line… Read More

Initial Coin Offerings: Why the SAFT is DEAD ā€¦

Investment in the cryptocurrency industry is currently dominated by the use of Simple Agreements for Future Tokens (SAFTs). While SAFTs were a somewhat novel approach when they were introduced, now that cryptocurrency assets have become almost universally deemed ā€œsecuritiesā€ by the SEC, the use of… Read More

Initial Coin Offering Attorneys Beware, You Could Be Next!

Following the SEC’s recent initial subpoena offerings (pun intended) targeting initial coin offering (ICO) issuers, many believe the SEC might now turn its sights toward some of the gatekeepers involved in the subject ICOs, including the attorneys. Some attorneys practicing in the ICO space have… Read More

Priming the ICO Pump: Don’t Get Sucked In

If you’ve been under a rock for the last year or so, you might not know that ā€œinitial coin offeringsā€ or ICOs are the hottest thing in the financial market today. As if the fact that the overwhelming majority of ICOs aren’t regulated in any… Read More

State of the States: An Updated Analysis of Current Intrastate Crowdfunding Options

While Regulation (Title III) Crowdfunding continues to get all of the attention, the overwhelming majority of states currently have some form of ā€œintrastateā€ retail crowdfunding laws already in effect; many of which offer significantly more favorable terms to issuers and investors than the federal rules…. Read More

Vanishing IPOs: A Discussion Of The Causes, Cures & Implications

In a recent testimony to the Investor Advisory Committee of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Scott Kupor, CEO & Managing Partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a $6.5 billion multi-stage venture capital firm, gave an amazingly comprehensive and concise description of todayā€™s vanishing IPO market, the… Read More

Point of View: Regulating The Fintech Revolution

What was previously a relatively innocuous industry sector, the financial technology (or ā€œFintechā€) industry has exploded over the past few years. With the litany of new Fintech startups and existing Fintech businesses, and even Fintech specific incubators and accelerators popping up, the Fintech revolution is… Read More

Calling All Would-be Angels: ā€œInvest In America Actā€ Bill Could Help You Find Your Wings

Start-ups and small businesses represent the heart of the American economy and fostering this sector is integral to continued innovation and job growth in the U.S.Ā  Access to capital however, is always a critical issue for these types of businesses and angel investors often represent… Read More

Illinois Crowdfunding Starting Strong in 2017

While it took longer than expected to get here, Crowdfunding for Illinois businesses is now officially up and running and its full steam ahead. To mark the occasion, a joint press conference was held yesterday at local incubator 1871 which I was privileged to be… Read More

My 2017 Crowdfunding Wish List

2016 brought with it many developments in the crowdfunding industry, most notably the introduction of the long-awaited Title III crowdfunding. While admittedly not all crowdfunding legislation passed Ā was as influential, there have been significant strides made to improve existing securities regulations and to continue prying… Read More

Massive Rule 147 Amendments May Be On The HorizonĀ Impacting Intrastate Crowdfunding

Almost a year ago, the SEC proposed certain amendments to the current Rule 147 which were intended to help foster, and increase the viability of, Intrastate crowdfunding. While little has been heard about these amendments since their release (except from Intrastate proponents like me of… Read More

State of the States: An Intrastate Crowdfunding Update

While I have kept both my statutory summary pages and comparative summaries relatively up to date, it has been quite a while since I have done an editorial update on Intrastate Crowdfunding. With the increased number of active Intrastate regulations, as well as the growing… Read More

Why DSTLD is a Perfect Fit for Reg A+ : Key Elements to Successful Equity Crowdfunding

Now I donā€™t usually use this forum to discuss particular crowdfunding offerings. However, after seeing a recent MSNBC piece on DSTLD, and their current Regulation A+ equity offering, I simply had to highlight their truly model story. I believe many wannabe Reg A+ issuers could… Read More

To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That is the Question

In connection with a private offering of securities the issuer will provide potential investors with some form of disclosure document. Regardless of what type of offering it is (e.g. Rule 506, Title III, Intrastate, or other private offering), the intent of this disclosure document is… Read More

The Fix Crowdfunding Act. What it Fixes & What it Does Not

In early June, the U.S. House of Representatives, Financial Services Committee, approved the ā€œFix Crowdfunding Actā€ bill (HR 4855). Maybe itā€™s the title of the bill that is misleading, but since then I have seen multiple articles which incorrectly describe what this legislation, if fully… Read More

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