Tagged: lockitron

Selfstarter Creator Lockitron Delivers Device to Backers

About 2 years ago a startup called Apigy was rejected by Kickstarter for their Lockitron project.  Their concept was pretty basic:  a connected door lock device that could be integrated with existing household hardware. Once installed the user could control their front door via an… Read More

On Crowdhoster: DaDa Offers Luxury Undies Made By Happy Workers

Dada Quarterly Underwear Club is currently seeking 100 early backers on dadaunderwear.com to grow their underwear subscription service. Every three months backers can expect to get some luxury underwear in the mail without any hassle. They are able to self-host their campaign on their own… Read More

From Crowdfunding Success, To Project Demise, Lumawake Bids Farewell

Lumawake has a fascinating crowdfunding history.  We originally discovered this product in 2012. The concept was the brainchild of Greg Laugle who came up with the idea way back in 1997.  He was working through college and he barely got any sleep. He loathed the… Read More

UPDATED: Soylent Crowdfunding Campaign On Crowdhoster Fully Funded

Rob Rhinehart and his team have settled on Crowdhoster as the platform of choice for their crowdfunding campaign for Soylent. We wrote about Soylent in the past, a meal replacement drink that garnered both praise and criticism in the press. Click here to see the… Read More

How Scout Alarm crowdfunded $160K — without Kickstarter or Indiegogo

Hassle-free home security sounds good, right? Perhaps $160,000 good, if you’re Scout Alarm … with none of that money going through crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. In fact, Scout Alarm crowdsourced that cash all on its own. The Scout Alarm is a $120 “next… Read More

Crowdfunding Poised to Streamline Relief Donations After Major Disasters

  It is becoming clear that Hurricane Sandy has had an astonishing impact on the eastern seaboard of the US.  Dozens are dead.  New York officials estimate that up to 40,000 people were left homeless by the storm.  The FEMA trailers made famous in the… Read More

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