Tagged: sanctions

Two Finance Crime Experts Say North Korea Probably Using Crypto to Skirt US Sanctions

Lourdes Miranda, an independent financial intelligence analyst/financial crimes investigator, and Ross Delston, a lawyer specialized in anti-money laundering, have told the Asia Times that they believe North Korea (DPRK) is probably using cryptocurrency channels to skirt US sanctions. “International criminals everywhere prefer crypto-currencies and the… Read More

Ready to Mine Digital Money: Iran Approves Crypto Mining

According to IBENA, a news agency in banking and economy area, which is affiliated with the Central Bank of Iran, the country has “[accepted] cryptocurrency mining as [an] industry.” Spokesperson Abolhassan Firouzabadi said the Iranian National Cyberspace Center will be leading the crypto initiative with the Central Bank, which… Read More

Russian Politician Floats Deployment of Nuclear Weapons to Syria, Development of Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency as Countermeasures to US Sanctions

A Russian lawmaker, Vladimir Gutenev, told Russian news agency TASS  last week that Russia should consider ‘an asymmetric response’ to US pressure and sanctions, including deployment of nuclear weapons to Syria, suspension of missile non-proliferation treaties and development of a gold-backed cryptocurrency to help Russian… Read More

Sanctions Against Iran Force Indiegogo To Halt Campaign For British Columbia Woman

A woman from Vancouver, British Columbia recently took to Indiegogo to raise funds for a trip to Iran. Alaleh Sahabi was able to reconnect with her mother through Facebook and wanted to fly back to Iran to see her for the first time in over 20… Read More

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